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Fall Allergies

Provided by: Michael Goodman, MD Allergist/Immunologist The fall can be a challenging time of year for asthma sufferers. Whether you are trying to enjoy some cooler temperatures before the onset of winter or your favorite fall festivities, asthma can get in the way
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Fall Allergies
Provided by: Michael Goodman, MD Allergist/Immunologist The fall can be a challenging time of year for asthma sufferers. Whether you are trying to enjoy some cooler temperatures before the onset of winter or your favorite...
In Loving Memory of Howard Wesley Lowery, MD
Swimmer’s Ear(Otitis Externa)
Provided by: David Straka, MD ENT With a few more weeks of summer ahead, there's still plenty of time to enjoy the pool, and with that, it's a great time to talk about swimmer's ear. Also known as otitis externa, swimmer’s ear is ...
Allergic Conjunctivitis (red, itchy eyes)
Provided by: Megan Goebel, MD Allergist Distinguishing between allergic, viral, and bacterial conjunctivitis (pink eye) can be a challenge. Exposure to a known allergen is often associated with eye itching, burning, tearing, and eyelid swelling. Th...
Cold v Sinus Infection
Provided by: Scott Kramer, MDENT Your nose starts to feel congested. Your throat gets that scratchy feeling. Perhaps you develop a sinus headache, or your mucus turns green. Does this sound familiar? Often people wonder if these symptoms mean they have a common cold or if a sinus infection is developi...
Summer Allergy Tips
Provided by: Megan Goebel, MD (Allergist/Immunologist) o   Grass pollen counts are high through the Summer, Trees in the Spring, and Weeds/Ragweed in the Fall o   Keep windows closed in the home and car

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